Friday, September 24, 2010

Obama at the UN

I would have just kicked his ass and the rest of the UN out of the country - "go play your nasty game somewhere else, hippies."


Ahmadinejad understands perfectly well that confronting Iran is out of sync with the “new era of engagement” that is the trademark of Obama’s foreign policy. “Engagement” looks like this: The president of the United States keeps talking about “extended hands” and “open doors,” and the president of Iran keeps building nuclear weapons.

Polling of elections....

I have finally got around to contributing to this worthwhile venture.

The topic I would like to discuss is Election Polls.  It is a well known fact that people (as a mass) want to be on the side of the winner.  So WHY do we allow the media to publish reports, 6 weeks (most of the times even more) in advance of elections?

Is this not putting undue pressure on the uninformed populace?  Because, if you pause to think about it, we never get the actual methodology of how the poll was conducted, or if it was even a scientific poll.  I could start my own poll that shows with percentages and fancy graphs that Big Bird will win the 2012 US Presidency. But if I don't tell you HOW I got that data, it's meaningless (Note: I asked ten 5 year olds after watching sesame street, go figure).

It's time to stop spoon-feeding the masses.  It's time to force them to make a choice.  I really do not care if it is an uninformed choice.  You better believe, after electing someone incompetent that either steals their money or takes more of it in taxes, they will pay more attention next time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

O'Donnell Wins!

Now, the meme is that Repubs just threw the race away to the Dems.  Well, I say, funk dat.  No one gave her a chance vs. Castle!  Throw the bums out and let's give someone un-establishment a try.  Not like she can do worse than Biden did in that seat!  I didn't give her a chance vs. Castle fwiw.

Oh - and it's not like she's any less qualified to be a Senator, than say, our current President is to hold that position.

Monday, September 13, 2010

If fries are outlawed, then only outlaws...

When your husband quits smoking, then maybe I will consider you telling me how to raise my children.  Honestly... do as the libs say, not as they do.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Well, here we go.

 Just the thoughts of us two men sitting on the couch.  Focusing mostly on politics and current events, we reserve the right to segue into other areas that interest us such as music, gaming, work, or general yakking about getting stuck behind slow drivers who won't get the **** out of the left lane and let us pass on by!